Tuesday 26 March 2013

Thoughts for Version 2 or 3 or 4...: Google Doc integration

Any thoughts on the level of difficulty in adding a Google drive feature-set to a future version of DocControl. Note, this also may work with DropBox......

(1): DocControl Login authentication via Google.

(2) A "Publish to DocControl" widget on Google drive.
1-click send a file of any type to DocControl:
Standard document types would be sent to DocContol in their native format.
Native Google documents would need to be converted to PDF prior to sending. The original Google doc would stay on the drive.  This would create a PDF snapshot that could go through the approval process.  Just like  the upload button in DocControl.

(3): For companies using Google Drive, you could also  publish the approved PDF Controlled Documents in Google drive, under the same folder structure as in DocControl, with appropriate view permissions. Users could then view the approved PDF documents in Google Drive using permissions defined in DocControl.

Does anyone else have ideas for a future version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. One of the future versions should be ONLT about adding browser based editing and collaborative editing into the product...(ideally v2)

    Integration with 3rd party products like Drive and dropbox should be limited in scope to document management...
